November 09, 2008

Staying Focused

The election of 2006-2008 is finally over! As I have spoken to lots of people the past several days, I've gotten more takes on the outcome that you can imagine. I have an interesting and diverse groups of people in my circle of of contacts, so the opinions are diverse -- AND extremely passionate. Here's my abbreviated take -- since we have already endured the longest Presidential campaign in American history!!!

1) It doesn't matter which candidate you voted for, our hope as believers should never be in an individual, but in God Himself. The Bible tells us that our HOPE IS IN THE LORD ALONE!

2) I fear that the gap in our politics separating believers into POLITICAL CAMPS that get us off the focus of TRUTH. Truth in the political world can not be defined completely as a Republican or Democrat idea. Frankly, no political party has a corner on truth. Only God is our ultimate truth. We need to be watchful to stand for Biblical truth rather than partisan politics.

3) There are some issues that we had better start a dialog on though. There are indeed Biblical stands and teachings on certain issues. As Christ followers, we better know these. Personally, I am convinced that many Christians decided to leave some of these issues at the door, determining to vote on other issues, that while important, may or may not have Biblical truth to back them up. Let's talk respectfully and call one another continually to seeking TRUTH.

4) Personally, I can't get past certain issues that I believe the Bible speaks to:

* Abortion and the right to life -- life for the unborn, the aged, the physically and mentally challenged and yes...the lives of civilians affected by wars.

* Marriage as defined by God as between a man and a woman. This means that homosexuality is a sin and should not be seen in any other way by Christ's Church.

* Ministry to the poor. Those in need among us -- especially those who are poor through no fault of their own should be respected, loved and cared for. The problem is that we look to government and man-made agencies to take care of them. It is the church's responsibility first and foremost. Believers need to determine why we don't' care more for the "least of these" than we do.

5)Let's keep the church clean before we start looking down our long noses at anyone else. Something about a "plank in the eye" I think (Matthew 7:3).

PROVERBS 14:34 - "Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people."

November 02, 2008

Stories of the Miraculous

This weekend at New Life Church, we have talked about "Looking Upstream" & becoming people who not only believe in miracles, but pray for them and live in the reality of life in the miraculous. Many people came asking God for a miracle! What has God done as you have prayed? An instantaneous miracle? A persevering miracle? Let other know what God is doing! Simply click on the title above, scroll down and then click on "Post a Comment", add your comment and post.

October 30, 2008

Transforming Power

There is no such thing as LIFE transformation without SPIRITUAL transformaiton. And it's not an easy process. Sometimes God will transform us in an instantaneous, miraculous way. But, so much of the time, we are changed as part of a long-term process. It is no less miraculous, but it can seem less so. This long-term process takes PERSEVERANCE! God is at work in us, while at the same time a battle goes on within us fighting for the right of control! This is one fight in which I'd encourage everyone to call "uncle". What God wants to do in our lives and who He wants to make us is so much better than what we come up with.

I have a friend who achieves the goal of ONE FULL YEAR clean & sober in a couple of days! This has been a year of decisions, fights, inner struggle, more decisions, commitments, self-discovery, surrender, tears, pain and more. BUT in this year, he has achieved inner peace, the joy of "ordinaryness", true GOD-confidence, joy, friendship, deepening relationships and more. The best part is that he has learned to simply let God develop him into a man of God -- the kind that he can't be on his own. God is to be praised!

Find a trusted friend to walk with you and then LET GO! Let God do what only He can do and you'll see Miraculous TRANSFORMATION too!

October 22, 2008

Back to Blogging!

It's been a while since I have blogged. I moved to the Costa Rica blog and got out of the habit of regular updates. Since I last blogged, I've been on a mission trip to a third world country, takena month long sabbatical, emptied my house again of college students (HA!), baptized 23 people, seen God do some amazing things in people's lives...

Here are a few thoughts I've had recently. Thought you might ponder them with me.

1. I think God wants every believer to risk more for the sake of the Gospel.

2. Seems like the more stuff we have, the less we focus on our relationship with God.

3. What do we do when some people live in boxes and I sleep in a warm bed every night?

4. If the church was entirely dependant on my commitment, I wonder how impactful it would be.

5. What would happen if every one of us brought just one person to Christ and discipled them in the next year?

6. Some people seem to give it ALL to Jesus, others just seem to never really trust Him. Ever thought of the

Lot's more, but that's enough for now. I'll work to be consistent at this.